niedziela, 26 kwietnia 2015

Nettle and sorrel spring soup


1.      3 l of water
2.      2 potatoes
3.      1 carrot
4.      200g of nettle

5.      100g preserved sorrel
6.      300g grinded pork
7.      ½ of onion
8.      salt, pepper more or less to taste

Firstly, we boil water. Then we chop potatoes, grate carrot put those 2 ingredients into the boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Afterwards, we take nettle and brew it with boiling water. After few minutes we decant water out of nettle and put it together with sorrel into the pot.

Secondly, we form balls of pork ( into which we add salt, pepper and onion) and add to the pot with boiling nettle and sorrel. Finally, we can add a bit spices and boil all together for 15-20 minutes.

Total time: 50 minutes

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