Welcome! Dear viewers, this blog is run by a group of students from schools in Poland and Lithuania. The content will consist of recipes of Polish and Lithuanian cuisine as the results of “The way to a man's heart is through his stomach” project. Main objective is an exchange of knowledge and perfecting English language skills. Everyone here is invited to enjoy results of our efforts. All we do, we do with excitement and passion. This project has been made possible by the support of ERASMUS +
sobota, 21 marca 2015
Healthy lunch - colorful chops
Ingredients for 10 chops;
-4 pickles
-3/4 parsley
-salt, pepper
-8 eggs
How to prepare it:
Boil hard-boiled eggs. Once cooled, peel them from the shell. Paprika , eggs and cucumbers cut into small cubes. Mix ingredients and add the finely chopped parsley . Add a raw egg, season with salt and freshly ground pepper. Form the chops and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Ready Fry chops in hot fat.
The dinner you can give the carrot and juice from fresh fruit .
Bon apetitte! :-)
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