Welcome! Dear viewers, this blog is run by a group of students from schools in Poland and Lithuania. The content will consist of recipes of Polish and Lithuanian cuisine as the results of “The way to a man's heart is through his stomach” project. Main objective is an exchange of knowledge and perfecting English language skills. Everyone here is invited to enjoy results of our efforts. All we do, we do with excitement and passion. This project has been made possible by the support of ERASMUS +
czwartek, 28 maja 2015
piątek, 22 maja 2015
We made our dinner on our own. Thanks to the help of local cooks we had the opportunity to make traditional Crimean Karaites dish (Crimean Karaites were Trakai citizens).
After dinner we had a cruise ship and we visited the chocolate factory where its owner learned us how to make perfect chocolates. He also gave us a really interesting lecture about chocolate and we also could make some samples. After another traditional meal for supper we returned to Soleczniki.
We are really grateful for this day.
DAY 4 in beautiful Lithuania
The fourth day we spent in Vilnius. We were toured by
a guide who showed us the famous “Rosa” cemetery and the Gates of Dawn. Later
we had the traditional Lithuanian dinner that consisted of “Zeppelines”. On the
way to we stopped in the Vilniaus botanikos sodas and had a lecture about
exotic plants and trees. The last surprise was supper in “Belmontas” district.
Check our pictures if you want to know of what we had.
The third day of our adventure was really interesting
and extremely exciting. We spent a nice day in Soleczniki. After breakfast we
went to Jan Śniadecki Middle School to prepare the most known Lithuanian
dishes. After preparing the cooking our students had the opportunity to enter
the classes and observe some of the Lithuanian lessons. At 1 p.m. our dinner was
ready. For the main course we could taste Lithuanian cold soup and nettle soup.
The second course was also really delicious. We had chicken wings with salad
and potatoes. The greatest thing was that we made all the dishes on our own.
We spend all the afternoon in town trying to compete
the teams of 5 students (both Polish and Lithuanians) in the game called: “
Guess where you are”. We could sightsee the town and get to know it better. At
the very end of the day we watched the film. It was a really nice day. Thank
you dear hosts.
wtorek, 19 maja 2015
We have
been taken by surprise. In Paszki castle we had the chance to practice our
English skills. A really friendly guide monk gave us the long lecture about the
history of the castle. We could also enjoy the game of floorball (unihokej) and
finally try traditional dishes that had been eaten by the owners of Paszki
Day 2
We had no
idea that Lithuania is such a really beautiful place. Today we have been able
to sightsee the breathtaking views of Dziewieniszki. I hope that you will enjoy
our photos.
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